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Classical Clip of the Month for September 2013
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Henryk Górecki

Epitafium, op. 12
Zderzenia-Scontri, op. 17
Genesis II, op. 19 #2
Refren, op. 21
Muzyka staropolska, op. 24

The Polish National Symphony Orchestra
The National Philharmonic Choir
The National Philharmonic Orchestra in Warsaw

Conductors: Andrzej Markowski, Jan Krenz, Roman Kuklewicz


This month we again visit one of my hit-or-miss composers. This time it's another prominent Polish composer, joining earlier CCM appearances by Szymanowski and, of course, Chopin. Many of Górecki's works (especially the orchestral ones) with which I am familiar remind me of a far-more-interesting version of Hovhaness; that is to say, you don't ask if there will be a long, drawn-out chorale, but rather, you wonder when it will appear. This is the fate of the last two works on this recordings, for example. But, other works of his really shine, and offer far more interesting fare to the attentive listener. Case in point is this month's clip, from the Epitaph, op 12, of 1958. Although Górecki did not actually formally study with any of the Darmstadt composers, their influence and that of Webern is keenly felt in this interesting, short, work.


Launch date: 21 November 2001.
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