Website of Musician Eric B. Chernov

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Classical Clip of the Month for July 2006
(clickable links in the text are in bold)

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Nicolo Paganini

The 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, op. 1

Ruggiero Ricci, attempting violin


We return this month to the unintentional musical comedy genre with one of the worst performances in the history of classical recordings: the other complete recording of the Paganini Caprices by the once admirable Ruggiero Ricci. If the pieces were better the recording would be nothing short of tragic, but as they are not, this recording goes next to Borge, Jenkins, and P.D.Q. Bach on my shelf. Listen to this lovely bit of noise and see if you can keep a straight face. (If you are having trouble placing it, I am told it's supposed to be #5 in A minor).


Launch date: 21 November 2001.
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