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Classical Clip of the Month for April 2012
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Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov

Caucasian Sketches, op. 10

Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Loris Tjeknavorian


Those whose primary musical interest lies in popular music may be unaware that the phenomenon of the "one-hit wonder" also occurs in the classical music realm. And, as with pop music, the hit is usually a really good work. Thus is the case with this month's composer, Ippolitov-Ivanov, whose lasting fame as a composer, rightly or wrongly, rests on one piece: the lovely orchestral suite, "Caucasian Sketches." Though not strikingly original (nothing of his is, alas), it is certainly filled with catchy tunes. Indeed, the last movement occurred to me as fodder for this month's ccm partially because it's been stuck in my head, on and off, for the last several weeks.


Launch date: 21 November 2001.
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