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Classical Clip of the Month for June 2011
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Johann Sebastian Bach

Goldberg Variations

Vladimir Feltsman


To complement last month's CCM, we return this month to J. S. Bach for another milestone work, the Goldberg Variations. For me, they always carry with them a majestic sense of the Wizard of Oz syndrome: when the aria returns, near an hour after the opening of the work, we have been through a grand journey to find its meaning. Though it comes back note-for-note, somehow we hear it very differently for having made the journey and having had it dissected to its essentials along the way.

The very first variation is a wake-up call; who knew there was so much there in such a thin texture, and with a little neighbor figure! Who knew, indeed, besides Bach, that is. This month's clip features an admirable and interesting recording by Vladimir Feltsman performing this variation.


Launch date: 21 November 2001.
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