Website of Musician Eric B. Chernov

Eric B. Chernov

Eric Chernov was born; he's not dead, yet. He studied percussion and occasionally still hits things, and studied conducting and occasionally still waves his arms about, and studied studying and occasionally still studies. He has ideas, sometimes even original ones, and he writes them down in the hopes that others will read them (for the written-word thingies) or play them (for the written-note thingies). He tries not to take himself too seriously, no doubt joining the legions of others who already don't take him seriously.
He's a coding geek, so you can visit him here.

Interview w/ Eric & Konstantza Chernov
The Cheshire (Pod)Cast
Episode: "They Call Me Dr. Music"
15 September 2019

  Interview w/ Eric Chernov
This Band Could Be Your Food
Episode: "What Food is The Who?" (Part I)
25 May 2023


Interview w/ Eric Chernov
This Band Could Be Your Food
Episode: "What Food is The Who?" (Part 2)
22 June 2023

Warning: This episode contains some blue language and discussion of sensitive topics.
Listener discretion is advised.

Launch date: 21 November 2001.
© 2001 - 2024 Eric B. Chernov. All Rights Reserved.